Monday, July 1, 2019

Celebrate Independence Day: The Birthday of USA!

Independence Day is our national holiday that is full of parades, pride, and patriotism. There are various ways to celebrate this day. People enjoy this holiday with family by going on picnics, concerts, short trips, making dishes for your family, etc. 

Independence Day

Here are 4 amazing ways to celebrate this day with happiness and pride:

Be Creative 

You can commemorate this day by being creative and trying something new. Make flags, cards, and decorative lamps to place around the house. Try different recipes apart from traditional barbeques. 

Know About Independence

It’s important for every child to know about the significance of this great day. Books like, Steps to Independence, will help you teach your young ones about the history of this day. Buy this book now!

It’s the Holiday

It’s the best time for planning short, relaxing trips before getting back to work. has some amazing deals on hotels, spas, and resorts. Check them out now. Deals are available for a limited time only!

Go for Shopping

Many stores and online shopping websites offer special cashback deals and coupons for their 4th of July sale. Shop and save on these deals. If you want to add something new to your home, you can find amazing deals on home decor, appliances, patio furniture, LEDs, laptops, etc. on Shop now

If you are running short of cash, instant cash advances will get you money instantly to help you purchase these items. Get an instant cash advance now!


Can You Get a Payday Loan with a Credit Score of 550?

A credit score is a three-digit number which shows your credit-worthiness as a borrower. Your credit score is determined by your payment history, the age of your accounts, how often you get new credit, outstanding debts, collection actions, and more.

payday loans with bad credit

Understanding the Importance of Credit Score

 A good credit score shows that you are a responsible borrower who clears the loan amount on time. A good credit score is important for certain types of loans, including home loans. Borrowers who have missed payments or a lot of outstanding debts have a poor credit score. 

Getting a short-term loan with a poor credit score can be difficult. You may be qualified, but you will have to pay a higher interest rate than borrowers with a good credit score.

Is It Possible to Get a Payday Loan with a Credit Score of 550?

 A credit score of 550 is considered a poor credit score. Payday loans are processed even with poor credit scores, but the lowest credit score that lenders accept varies from one lender to another. Lenders have some restrictions on the maximum amount they lend to the borrowers with poor credit scores. 

If you are looking to get a payday loan with that credit score, you can find a lender. For short-term payday loans, lenders won’t consider your credit score; instead, they will verify your source of income. A steady source of income is the prominent criteria to qualify for a payday loan. Therefore, if you have a steady source of income to make repayments on time, you will be qualified for a payday loan. 

If you cannot clear your loan amount in one payment, you can request your lender to allow you to repay your loan amount in two to three installments. 

Contact us today if you have a credit score of 550 and are looking for a payday loan. We ensure fast loan processing and funds transfer to help you in financial emergencies. 
